Saturday, 5 March 2016

Absent periods

In many cases, absence of periods are not a cause for concern. However, sometimes an underlying medical condition may be responsible for that will have to be investigated and treated.

Some girls are not going to start their periods by the expected age, and there are several reasons why periods can stop naturally at certain times.
For example, your periods will stop during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or after menopause. Some types of contraceptives can also make you temporarily stop having periods.
underlying medical conditions

The medical name for the periods of absence is amenorrhea. The absence of periods can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - a condition where the ovaries do not release an egg regularly (ovulate)
hypothalamic amenorrhea - where part of the brain that regulates the menstrual cycle stops working properly; this is thought to be caused by excessive exercise, excessive weight loss or stress
hyperprolactinemia - when a person has abnormally high levels of a hormone called prolactin in the blood
POF - where the ovaries stop functioning properly in women who have not yet reached the age of natural menopause (usually from age 50)
Read more about the causes of the absence of periods.
When to seek medical advice
You should consult your doctor if you are concerned about any problems with your periods so they can try to find the cause.
Depending on what your doctor thinks may be the cause of your absent periods, you may be referred to a specialist for further investigation and necessary treatment.
More information about the diagnosis of absent periods.
Who is affected?
It is relatively common to stop having periods after being with them. This is known as secondary amenorrhea, and is estimated to affect 1 in 25 women at some point in their lives.
It is more common in adolescent girls and young women, especially in certain groups, such as professional athletes, dancers and gymnasts.
Do not start their periods by the expected age (primary amenorrhea) is much less common. It is estimated to affect 1 in 300 girls.
Treatment periods of absence
Treatment for the absence of periods depend on the cause. For example, the syndrome often can control the use of hormonal treatments, while women with hypothalamic amenorrhea often start having regular periods if cut in exercise and achieve a healthy weight.
In some cases, doctors may recommend waiting to see if their return periods or start your own.
Sometimes it is not possible for periods to be restored with treatment. This is usually the case of the absence of periods caused by POF

Treating a breast abscess

Treating a breast abscess

breast abscesses are often linked to mastitis - a condition that causes breast pain and swelling (inflammation), and usually affects women who are breastfeeding. Infections can occur during breastfeeding if the bacteria enter the breast tissue, or if the milk ducts (small tubes) blocked. This can cause mastitis which, if untreated,
can result in the formation of an abscess. Women who are not breastfeeding may also develop mastitis if bacteria enter the milk ducts through a sore or cracked nipple, or nipple piercing. White blood cells are sent to attack the infection, which causes the tissue at the site of infection to death. This creates a small hollow area that is filled with pus (abscess).
You will have to be drained a breast abscess. small breast abscesses can be drained through a needle and syringe. If the abscess is large, a small incision may be necessary to drain the pus. For both procedures, usually you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the skin around the abscess so it does not feel any pain or discomfort

Brain abscess

Brain abscess 

headache - which is often severe and can not be relieved with analgesics changes in mental state, such as appearing very confusing weakness or paralysis on one side of the body a high temperature (fever) or above 38 ° C (100.4 ° F) convulsions (seizures) What causes a brain abscess?headache - which is often severe and can not be relieved with analgesics changes in mental state, such as appearing very confusing weakness or paralysis on one side of the body a high temperature (fever) or above 38 ° C (100.4 ° F) convulsions (seizures) What causes a brain abscess?
There are three main ways a brain abscess can develop. These are: an infection in another part of the skull, such as an ear infection, sinusitis or dental abscess that can spread directly into the brain an infection elsewhere in the body - for example, causing pneumonia infection spread through the brain blood trauma, such as a severe head injury, skull cracks open, allowing bacteria or fungi that enter the brain However, in some cases, the source of infection is unknown. Read more about the causes of a brain abscess. Treatment of a brain abscess A brain abscess is considered a medical emergency. This is due to inflammation caused by the abscess may interrupt the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. There is also a risk that the abscess may burst (rupture). If left untreated, a brain abscess can cause permanent damage to the brain and can be fatal. If you suspect you or someone you know may have a brain abscess, call 999 for an ambulance. A brain abscess is usually treated with a combination of antibiotics (or in some cases, antifungals) and surgery. The surgeon usually open the skull and draining the pus from the abscess, or completely remove the abscess. The sooner the condition is diagnosed and treated, the lower the probability that a person has to develop long-term complications There are three main ways a brain abscess can develop. These are:
an infection in another part of the skull, such as an ear infection, sinusitis or dental abscess that can spread directly into the brain an infection elsewhere in the body - for example, causing pneumonia infection spread through the brain blood trauma, such as a severe head injury, skull cracks open, allowing bacteria or fungi that enter the brain However, in some cases, the source of infection is unknown. Read more about the causes of a brain abscess. Treatment of a brain abscess A brain abscess is considered a medical emergency. This is due to inflammation caused by the abscess may interrupt the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. There is also a risk that the abscess may burst (rupture). If left untreated, a brain abscess can cause permanent damage to the brain and can be fatal. If you suspect you or someone you know may have a brain abscess, call 999 for an ambulance. A brain abscess is usually treated with a combination of antibiotics (or in some cases, antifungals) and surgery. The surgeon usually open the skull and draining the pus from the abscess, or completely remove the abscess. The sooner the condition is diagnosed and treated, the lower the probability that a person has to develop long-term complications

How is food contaminated

Food can become contaminated at any stage of production, processing or cooking. For example, it may be contaminated by: not cook food (particularly meat) not properly storing food that needs to be cooled below 5C leaving cooked food for a long time to warm temperatures not hot enough food previously cooked well someone who is sick or who has dirty hands touching the food to eat foods that have passed their "use" the spread of bacteria from contaminated food (cross-contamination) foods that are particularly susceptible to contamination if not handled, stored or cooked properly include raw meat and poultry eggs raw seafood raw unpasteurized milk "Ready to eat" foods such as sliced cooked meats, pates, soft cheeses and prepacked sandwiches

Food poisoning

Food poisoning is a disease caused by eating contaminated food. Usually not serious and most people recover without treatment within days

Symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within one to two days after eating contaminated food, but can begin anywhere between a few hours and several weeks later.

The main symptoms include:

feeling sick (nausea)
diarrhea that may contain blood or mucus
stomach cramps and abdominal pain (tummy)

a lack of energy and weakness
loss of appetite
a high temperature (fever)
Muscle pain
In most cases, these symptoms will in a few days and can make a full recovery.
What to do
Most people with food poisoning recover at home and need no specific treatment, although there are some situations in which you should consult your doctor (see below).
Until you feel better, you should rest and drink fluids to prevent dehydration. Try to drink plenty of water, even if you can only enjoy it.
Eat when you feel up to it, but are small and light meals at first and stick to bland foods - such as toast, crackers, bananas and rice - until you start to feel better.
Oral rehydration solutions (ORS), which are available in pharmacies, are recommended for the most vulnerable people such as the elderly and those with other health conditions.
Read more about the treatment of food poisoning.
When to see your GP
You should consult your doctor if:
your symptoms are severe - for example, if you are unable to keep fluids down, because he is throwing up several times
your symptoms do not improve after a few days
It has symptoms of severe dehydration, such as confusion a rapid heartbeat, sunken eyes and passing little or no urine
you are pregnant
you are older than 60
your baby or toddler is suspected food poisoning
you have an underlying long-term condition such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), heart valve disease, diabetes or kidney disease
you have a weak immune system - for example, because of the medication, the treatment of cancer or HIV

Stomach cramps with bloating

One of estómago dolor es para a término utilizado referirse menudo has dolor deaf cramps o en el estómago (abdomen). Por lo general es corta y con frecuencia duración no es serious.

stomach cramping with bloating are often caused by trapped wind. This is a very common problem which can be annoying, but is easily treated. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend a product or as buscopan mebeverine, which can be purchased over the counter to treat the problem.

sudden stomach cramps to diarrhea If your stomach cramps started recently and also have diarrhea, the cause may be a tummy bug (gastroenteritis). This means that you have a viral or bacterial infection of the stomach and intestine, which should get better without treatment after a few days. Gastroenteritis can be caused by coming into close contact with someone who is infected, or by eating contaminated food (food poisoning). If you have repeated bouts of stomach cramps and diarrhea, you may have a long-term condition such as irritable bowel syndrome. Sudden severe abdominal pain If you have a sudden excruciating pain in a particular area of your abdomen, call your doctor immediately or go to your A & E closest. It can be a sign of a serious problem that could quickly worsen without treatment. Serious causes of sudden severe abdominal pain include: Health care conditions Link ads


Appendicitis - swelling of the appendix (finger pouch connected to the large intestine), which causes excruciating pain in the right lower abdomen, and means that your schedule must be removed stomach bleeding or perforated ulcer - bleeding, open wound in the lining of the stomach or duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) acute cholecystitis - inflammation of the gall bladder, which is often caused by gallstones; in many cases, your gallbladder must be removed kidney stones - small stones can be passed in your urine, but larger stones can block the renal tubules, and you'll need to go to hospital for broken Diverticulitis - inflammation of small pouches in the intestine that sometimes requires treatment with antibiotics in hospital If your doctor suspects you have any of these conditions, they can refer you to the hospital immediately. A sudden and severe pain in the abdomen can sometimes be caused by infection of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis). It can also be caused by a pulled muscle in your abdomen or by an injury.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

Detección Aneurisma abdominal aortic (AAA) es una forma de una detectar hinchazón peligroso (aneurism) of the aorta - the main el vaso sanguíneo that corre el corazón desde, hacia abajo a través del resto del abdomen para el cuerpo.

This swelling is much more common in men older than 65 years than women and younger men, so men are invited for screening in the year they turn 65. AAA usually causes no symptoms, but if it breaks out, its extremely dangerous and usually fatal. About 8 out of 10 people with a ruptured AAA die before reaching either the hospital or do not survive the surgery. Learn more about abdominal aortic aneurysm. Screening involves a simple ultrasound of the stomach (abdomen), which takes about 10-15 minutes. If your abdominal aorta is enlarged, you must never be tested again. If you have a small to medium aneurysm, you will be monitored regularly to ensure it does not get dangerously higher. If you are found to have a large aneurysm, you will be seen by a vascular surgeon (a specialist in blood vessels) within two weeks. They will advise whether you could benefit from treatment to reduce the risk of popping it. Why AAA screening?
AAA is sometimes picked up by chance - for example, if you are tested for another condition. In general, if you have AAA, you will not know. You probably will not feel pain or notice something different. But if the aneurysm bursts, it is a medical emergency, and most people either die before reaching the hospital or do not survive the surgery. Screening is a detection of early aneurysm means. If a large aneurysm is discovered before it breaks it can be treated. Accept the invitation to screening reduces risk of dying from abdominal aortic aneurysm by about half. Learn more about why testing is offered. When the AAA screening is offered Men aged over 65 are much more likely to have an AAA than women or young men - if a man registered with a GP will receive a letter inviting for screening in the year he reached 65. Men aged over 65 can request an analysis by communicating directly with their screening service of the local AAA. Learn more about the time the AAA screening is offered. What happens during the AAA screening?
The AAA screening test is a simple analysis, painless ultrasound of the abdomen which usually takes about 10-15 minutes. The screening technician will ask you to lift your shirt and then run a small ultrasound scanner on your abdomen, allowing the thickness of the abdominal aorta measured on a monitor. The technician will tell you the result right away and your GP will also be informed. Learn more about what happens during screening for AAA. Results What happens next depends on the size of your abdominal aorta: If it is normal, you will never be invited to another selection. An aneurysm is growing so slowly that you're unlikely to develop after the age of 65. If you have a small to medium sized aneurysm, you will be invited back for regular tests to check its size. If you have a large AAA, you will be returned to the hospital to be seen by a vascular surgeon in two weeks. You will be advised about treatment options, but in general, men with great AAA are advised that the risk of a large aneurysm is more dangerous than having surgery to repair

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Aorte abdominale L'est le plus grand vaisseau sanguin dans le corps et est généralement autour 2 cm large - à peu près la largeur d'un tuyau d'arrosage.

Cependant, il peut plus à gonfler 5.5cm - ce que les médecins comme une grande classe Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Les grands anévrismes sont rares, mais peuvent être très grave. If rafales d'une grande anévrisme, causing il est et des internes hémorragies énorme habituellement fatale.
 Le produit renflement is lorsque the paroi de l'aorte affaiblit. This, Well who causes the faiblesse est claire, you tabagisme et l'hypertension artérielle Penses sont pour augmenter le risque d'un anévrisme. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms chez les hommes sont communs AGEs plus 65 ans MOST représente une rupture de plus de 1 à 50 de tous les dans ce groupe décès et au total of 6,000 décès en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles chaque année. Ceci est la raison pour laquelle tous les hommes sont invités pour un test dépistage quand ils Tournent 65. Le test Involve échographie simple, environ 10 to 15 minutes qui prend. Les Symptômes d'un Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Dans la plupart des cas, an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ne pas cause visible Symptômes. Toutefois, if elle devient large certaines personnes peuvent développer une ou une douleur dans leur sensation of pulsation abdomen (ventre) ou les Maux two persistants. A ne constitue pas une Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm menace sérieuse pour la santé Habituellement, mais il and a big plus risque pour qui pourrait anévrisme éclater (rupture). Une rupture d'une hémorragie anévrisme peut provoquer interne, ce qui est généralement fatale. Environ 8 sur 10 personnes avec une rupture meurent avant Soit hôpital ou ne pas à la chirurgie survivent. Le symptôme le plus d'un commun de l'aorte anévrisme rompu douleur est dans l'soudaine et sévère abdomen. If ou vous vous quelqu'un d'autre que vous avez eu une rupture d'anévrisme soupçonnez, appeler him 999 et demander une ambulance immédiatement. En savoir plus sur les Symptômes d'un Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Causes d'un Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm On ne sait pas ce qui exactement cause the paroi aortique pour affaiblir, d'augmenter de plus en plus, Bien que l'âge et le sexe masculin pour être connus sont les plus grands facteurs of risque. Il existe d'autres facteurs of risque que vous pouvez faire quelque chose au sujet de préparation, des friandises, y compris le tabagisme et d'avoir une pression artérielle élevée et le taux de cholestérol. Ayant une histoire familiale de anévrismes aortiques également signifie que vous avez un risque de développer one accru vous-même. En savoir plus sur les causes d'un Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. AAA diagnostiquer Parce that Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms cause habituellement pas de Symptômes, ils ont tendance à être diagnostiques à la suite d'un ou l'autre ou dépistage Lors d'un test routine - par exemple, if a GP remarque à la sensation of pulsation dans l ' abdomen. Le test est une dépistage échographie, qui permet à la taille de votre aorte abdominale sur un moniteur à mesurer. Voici comment a Aussi anévrisme I will votre médecin had diagnosed if soupçonne que vous avez un.

En savoir plus sur le diagnostic d'une Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Le traitement d'un AAA

If a grand AAA avant sa rupture is detected, the plupart des gens seront d'avoir un traitement you notify the rupture of the Prevention. Habituellement, cela se fait avec une intervention chirurgicale remplacer pour la partie du Vaisseau sanguin affaiblie avec un morceau of synthétique tube. If chirurgie is déconseillé - ou si vous ne choisissez pas avoir - il and un certain non chirurgicaux traitements name peuvent réduire le risque d'une rupture that d'anévrisme.

Aspirin reduce bowel cancer

Aspirin reduce bowel cancer story

The study was conducted by researchers at the School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School, Boston; Brigham and Women's Hospital; and Massachusetts General Hospital. The study was published in the medical journal JAMA reviewed by Oncology and was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

You can read the study online for free.
The study was generally well covered by the media in the UK, from aspirin as a cheap drug that will reduce the risk of cancer. Most of the stories reflected the researchers caution that people should be informed about the possible side effects of regular aspirin treatment. They also warned that the use of aspirin should not be seen as a substitute for the detection of colon cancer.

 Aspirin reduce bowel cancer of research 

This was a study of two cohorts of US aimed to examine the effects of aspirin on cancer risk - both in general and for specific type of cancer.
Aspirin is a well established for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease drug. Many large trials of people taking aspirin regularly for cardiovascular disease have also suggested that it can reduce the overall risk of cancer as well.
There were limited data to provide reliable risk information by type of cancer, with the exception of a link to cancer (colon) Colorectal. As such, the Working Group Preventive Services United States recently recommended the use of aspirin to prevent colon cancer and cardiovascular disease for many adults in the United States. However, questions remain about the dose and duration of optimal use, and if there may be effects on other cancers. This study aimed to examine this.
The main limitations of observational cohort studies are the possibility that other features of health and lifestyle of individuals may be involved in these links.

You can aspirin reduces the risk of colon cancer

Take two aspirins a week could protect against cancer, "reports the Daily Telegraph. Express suggests that we should take it daily

But, most importantly, regular use of aspirin carries risks of stomach irritation, bleeding and ulceration. For people prescribed aspirin for cardiovascular disease, the benefits are considered to outweigh the risks. However, it is different for those taking aspirin for possible protection against cancer issue. Up to this risk-benefit balance is better understood, no recommendation can be given for everyone to take a daily aspirin to reduce the risk of cancer

Friday, 4 March 2016

New Nut Butters + The Toppings To Enhance Their Flavour

The next generation of spreads are on the shelves and are even more nutritious than the last batch. Now mixed with chia seeds, flax seeds and almond butter, peanut and nuts run the gamut from sweet and savory. In addition, according to dietitian and director of sports nutrition, Leslie Bonci, 'do not eat breakfast may reduce your metabolic rate by 10% "- a fact that is hard to beat Essentially, skipping the germinated bread. dissemination could not increase reduce your waistline.

Penne Pasta: 10 Super Easy recipes to try at home

 There's nothing like the comfort of digging into a plate of pasta for a delicious treat! Full of flavors, there is much you could do with the beloved Italian staple.

 While pasta are available in different shapes and sizes, you can also cook in a series of sauces, vegetables and meats to create some lip smacking dishes. The vast repertoire of pasta, a guy who is very popular worldwide is penne. The tube-shaped pasta is not only easy to cook, but also absorbs the flavors of the sauces well. Start with a little grated cheese and fresh herbs, and you have a quick meal right there.While Penne Pesto Penne Alfredo and are commonly available in restaurants, you can also be used in a number of other ways in the home,
such as a healthy salad with mixed seafood, or as a main dish with rich sauces. You can even bake with meat and vegetables, or give an Indian touch with a pinch of masalas. Point to remember: play around as much as possible with herbs, cheese, sauces, vegetables and meat, and you will never run out of options to distribute pasta.Just penne with interesting options in case you need a little push to revive its period with penne pasta, which has 10 super easy recipes to get you started at home. Here it goes

Irish Soda Bread, An Old Treat Is Reborn

The ingredients for an American version of Irish soda bread. traditional soda bread without butter or eggs. Credit: Copyright 2016 Ellie Markovitch

Soda bread is a serious matter. Society of Irish heritage near me is having a contest, and people can get into three categories: traditional white, traditional wheat bread and non-specific family. The first two can only contain flour, baking soda, salt and butter; ingredients that have been available in Ireland, when the bread was developed. Bread third, non-specific family, can have anything in it, and could include raisins, caraway seeds, eggs and other enrichments.
The common panettone quick here is decidedly American and reflects the fact that the average Irish cabinet lacked or had limited amounts of sugar and butter. The traditional Irish soda bread is an emblem of other limits, like the way it works in flour bread dough, and how it grows wheat.
The humid climate of Ireland is suitable for growing wheat or pastry, which is better for making cakes and quick breads instead of leavened bread or leaven. dry summers, such as belts US wheat, bread wheat or hard grow, they have enough gluten to develop the structure height loaves is constructed.

All have wheat gluten, which is a type of protein. The quantity and quality of gluten varies in hard and soft wheats. Gliadin and glutenin are two components of gluten, wheat and each style has different proportions of both. That's why flour made from different grains work differently. durum wheats have more glutenin, and soft wheats have more gliadin, sometimes described as having sliding properties. If cooking is whole grains, really hard wheats are harder tooth.

soft wheats work very well for quick breads and climbing using baking soda. soda bread, especially if done with the purist standards, is a great demonstration of baking soda at work. Buttermilk more sodium bicarbonate creates an acid-base reaction, and bubbles of carbon dioxide throughout the dough; oven heat traps gases, and voila, no bread.

Eulogy baking powder

Baking powder is another type of chemical yeast; liquid activates its acid-base reaction. These products 19th century cooking simplified birthday Before baking powder - about 1865, depending on whom you say hello as its inventor - people had to use natural yeast to raise baked goods. Old cookbooks have a lot of charm instructions for forms of fermentation of nowhere, or potato peelings and even milk.

sourdough baking is fashionable, but I'm in awe of baking powder. This material long shelf life makes my whole wheat pancakes go through the roof. It is a little angel in my pantry, helping flour soar. I am loyal to one brand, Rumford. It is baking powder double action, which means that once rises when the liquid reaches the dry ingredients, and again in the heat of the oven or on the grill.

I am also loyal to fresh ground flour whole grain. I love the way you know, sweet and strong, and how the food sits in my brain. grinding stone is a process that keeps all parts of a core of cereal, bran, germ and endosperm, together. milling rollers is how most flour is made, and the process all these parts are separated, the combination of parts of them at the end as the mill sees fit. The germ is removed usually because it spoils easily.

Luckily, stone milling operations are popping up across the country as people revive grain production on a small scale. The one near me, Farmer plant flour mills, a type of soft white wheat that makes great quick breads

The Secret to Maintain Your Weight: Eat More Fruits

Fruits form an essential part of a balanced diet for many reasons.

 The important being that they are a great source of fibre. Fibre regulates your bowel movements and helps food pass through your gut. Most importantly it aids digestion and controls metabolic markers like blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. By doing so, it affects your metabolism, keeps you full for longer and can help you maintain your weight. While most of may have known this by now, a new study published British Medical Journal gives us another reason to dote on more fruits to keep your weight down.
According to the study, eating fruits like as apples, pears, and berries may be linked to less weight gain. This benefit can be attributed to the presence of high levels of flavonoids in such fruits. Flavonoid is a natural compound known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits, as well as adding a vibrant color to the foods we eat.
The findings of the study revealed that increased consumption of food with high levels of flavonoids was associated with less weight gain. Dietary flavonoids are found naturally in fruits and vegetables linked to weight loss, but most studies till now have only looked at a particular flavonoid found in green tea, and have mostly been limited to small samples
This is the first study to examine the associations between consumption of seven flavonoid sub-classes and weight gain in a large sample study of 124,086 participants based across the US between 1986 and 2011.
The participants reported their weight, lifestyle habits, and any recently diagnosed diseases via questionnaire after every two years and also dicussed their diet after every four years. Researchers from Harvard and the University of East Anglia (UEA) are of the opinion that these findings "may help to refine previous dietary recommendations for the prevention of obesity and its potential consequences". Losing weight or preventing weight gain can reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and several other lifestyle diseases



It is pain ... more of a pain, and only occur with each deep breath you take?

If so ... it is only likely to be fatigue in the muscles of the chest and / or ribs. You should slow ... until the pain goes away. It is pain ... extends to her neck and shoulders, or is accompanied by severe sweating or weakness? If so ... it could be heart-related.
You should immediately stop ... and hope that someone is nearby to help. If it comes to a heart attack, probably you will not be able to do much to help himself. If pain is gone after two minutes, it was probably nothing serious, but in any case worth a precautionary checkup. It is pain ... through your diaphragm (the muscular layer separating the guts of the lungs) instead of chest? If so ... relax (literally). It's just a stitch. Must ... take one of the many ways to get ride of a stitch. My favorite is to stop and touch your toes a few times. Another option is to take a deep breath on the diaphragm, and then continue to operate for 15 seconds while breathing that remains.



You must determine the kind of acute pain it is. If it is a cramp,

rest for a few minutes and massage the area. Have a beverage, in particular a sports drink containing electrolytes, also help. If there is more brutal oppression, in the calf for example, stretching the muscle, and again, massaging the area. Continuing to run without taking action is more likely just a tear. If pain means you can not run without limping at every step, you have torn the muscle. Stop, walk home and apply the RICE treatment.

Pain is bad ...?

 You should drop your pace and think about turning the house there is a chance that this is the recurrence of a chronic wound. In this case, your running style or shoes could be the problem, so expert advice is recommended. If the pain is all in your legs, you're just tired - so dig, it's good for you!

Pain is ... a radiating pain that travels along a muscle, especially in the upper leg?
You should ... stretch the whole muscle, including the area above it, because the pain is likely to be caused by a seal. You may be suffering the effects of a herniated disc, which you feel in your thigh, for example. The treatment by a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor is essential, because no matter how much you stretch, the problem will not go away until you address the cause



 Pain is ... a dull pain under the kneecap?

If so ... it probably is runner's knee (in which the kneecap does not move properly through the bones, it is based on, often due to a muscle imbalance). You should try running ... in the same direction on the opposite side of the road (to change the camber); Around a softer surface; or stride for a while to free the knee joint. You can also try changing your shoes. If pain persists, an appointment with a physiotherapist, as it will worsen. Pain is ... around the knee outside of the leg, and slowly come with every stride? If yes ... it is likely to be the syndrome iliotibial band (inflammation of the long fibrous tissue from the hip on the side of the upper leg.
You should ... stop and stretch the area (try the standing section where you cross your feet and extend one side of your body up until you feel a stretch around your hip). Also, try to run on the opposite side of the road. Get diagnosed if the pain does not go. Pain is ...

 just below the kneecap?

 If yes ... err caution and take as a strain of the patellar tendon. You should ... gently run home and apply the RICE treatment. As with any strain of the tendon, which crosses the is asking for trouble. If it hurts again the next day, watching. Acute tears can take weeks in plaster, and in most cases, recovery is likely to take months rather than weeks.

Healthcare and Fitness Tips: TWISTED ANKLE

Healthcare and Fitness Tips: TWISTED ANKLE: TWISTED ANKLE Sprained Ankle pain is tolerable enough ... to run on?  If so ... natural endorphins the body will be helping to mas...



Sprained Ankle pain is tolerable enough ... to run on?

 If so ... natural endorphins the body will be helping to mask the pain and can be performed if necessary. However, this tends to further damage the ligaments in the area and make it more susceptible to another twist. If the pain is severe or joint swells, you should not try to restart his career at all.
(More information about ankle sprains.) ... Ideally you should come home immediately, rest, apply ice and compression, and elevate the leg (treatment of "rice"). Try to keep the mobile joint but not disturb her.



It is simply not realistic to stop and stretch every niggle when you are in a competitive environment. Some pains come and go in a couple of miles and you never know what caused them, but if pain (rather than a lot of fatigue) always gets worse during a race, you should take it seriously. Better ease off and try again in a fortnight than being laid off completely for a month


 Pain is ... one that has been developed over a few days or weeks? If yes ... it is a typical problem in the lower back begins as a low risk and pain becomes more dangerous if it will increase the pain and untreated. If you feel a sudden back pain, it is more likely to be serious. You should ... stop and stretch. If the pain becomes worse, abandon your stroke and seek treatment. Most low back pain has a specific cause that you must meet before it gets better.


 The pain is numbness ...? If so ... it could be due to poor circulation. You should ... loosen your laces and wiggle your toes slightly as you run. When you get home, apply the RICE treatment if necessary and seek help if the numbness continues. The pain is pain ... crescendo (the one that starts slowly and gradually increases as you run)? If so ... it could be a stress fracture. ... You should take it seriously. The foot is a complex and delicate structure such that you have to walk home and see a specialist as soon as possible. Pain is ... a blister forming? ... You should aim to minimize friction against the skin. Put a cloth around the area can be a good ad-hoc way to relieve the pressure - as can apply a generous amount pin.

Beating Injury: When To Run, When To Stop

Imagine the scene. You are in good shape, you enjoy your race and suddenly something wrong. How do you know if you want to run through it - crying "no pain, no gain" - or to rest for five minutes; if you want to walk home immediately or go to accident and emergency?

THERE ARE SOME GENERAL RULES you can apply to pain.

If something hurts so bad you can not walk on it, do not try to run on it. That said, you learn to recognize the signs of your own body pain - so that you can run through heavy legs, for example. You learn to recognize the feeling of lactic acid build up through experience, and because the symptoms tend to come gradually.

In some cases, if you feel pain on a training course, it is quite sufficient to stop and stretch, change the surface you are running or going to the other side of the road, and see if it makes a difference.

Also - and the best immediate option in a race - try changing your rate either up or down for a couple of minutes.

Once you have the house, RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) is a principle that is applied to almost all wounds. If the pain has not disappeared the next day, do not try to run on it. The only time it may be beneficial to run through the pain during rehabilitation when you may need to overcome a small initial stiffness to recover the flexibility of the muscle.

If you've done all this and yet the symptoms persist, you will need to see a doctor or therapist.

You run the risk of an injury from becoming chronic and more difficult to treat if left untreated for more than 48 hours.

If an injury hurts as you can not even put weight on it, it is probably serious, and you should get advice immediately.

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